Volunteer Opportunities

"... And you will receive power when the
Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be
my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea
and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Acts 1:8

Volunteer on-site at Mercy

Some volunteer tasks for Clinical Events:

  • Be the smiling face at the check-in to Mercy patients and help direct them their appointment.
  • Be a monthly table host to distribute information on healthy eating, annual screenings.
  • Back to School Bash for well-checks and vaccination updates in July 25
  • Boo to the Flu for flu and covid vaccinations  October 17, 24 and November 7
  • Women's Wellness Day October 3 promoting cervical cancer screenings
  • Mercy Christmas Village on December 12 for well-checks, a visit with Santa and a present 

Review the list below and let us know if you can help.

Volunteer for a Mercy Community Event


  • Franklin Classic, Sept 1
  • Golf with Mercy, May 12
  • Fall Dinner/Gala, TBA
  • Host a table at a church partner event, TBA

Review the list below and let us know if you can help.

Angels of Mercy

Angels of Mercy are donors and church partners, who provide monthly gifts. This group exemplifies
the spirit of giving and fulfills the ministry of Mercy. Financial partnerships from our area churches allow Mercy to provide affordable healthcare to our most vulnerable neighbors, who do not have insurance.



Mercy Champions Committee

Join a movement of champions who connect patients, volunteers and donors to Mercy to build a strong patient-centered and prayer-driven medical home.

Use your skills.
Make a difference.
Find your purpose.
Connect with your community.
Contribute to an important cause and lead others to Mercy.

Email: Beth Rattray

Spanish Translation Volunteer

Spanish Translation Tasks:

  • Translate for medical and mental health staff for better communication. There is training required and a background check.

For more information about volunteering at Mercy, contact  elainem@mercytn.org.
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