Mercy Community Healthcare Partners with St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church for a Free Health Fair
May 26th, 2022 News
Beth Rattray, Director of Marketing and Public Relations
Franklin, TN/Media Release/May: A free health fair sponsored by Mercy Community Healthcare and St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church is open to the public and will be held:
June 11, 2022
10am – 2pm
Community Center
St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church, (located on the corner of 2nd Avenue and Main Street) 113 2nd Avenue South, Franklin, TN
Please Park in the Second Avenue Garage.
Services offered:
- Mammograms*
- Pregnancy testing and ultrasounds
- Glucose, A1c and blood pressure testing
- Free diaper packs
- Vision screening for children
- Hearing testing for all ages
- Assistance with finding health insurance
- Learning sessions on Medicaid options, fall prevention trainings and more!
*Mammograms need to be scheduled ahead of time. Please call 615.790.0567, extension 235 to make an appointment.
At Mercy, we believe that every person should have a healthcare home and primary care provider. Studies show that having one primary care provider makes patients more apt to get an annual well-check to watch for trends and changes in health. When a patient is sick, they have one place to go to get well where their health care records are kept.
“We are excited to present our health fair to the community and invite everyone to get to know Mercy Community Healthcare on June 11. If you are without a primary care provider, this is a great way to get find a home. If you need help with the Health Insurance Marketplace, we can help you navigate the portal. We will also have medical staff members on site to answer questions, screen, and test for a variety of conditions. At Mercy, we are defined by our ability to provide exceptional care in an integrated way – body, mind, spirit. Come find out more!” said Beth Ann Wilmore, Director of Nursing.
“Not all who struggle for access to proper healthcare are poor. Many who are employed full-time are underinsured or their conditions are not covered. Access to mental healthcare is especially challenging. St. Philip Church partners with Mercy Community Healthcare because together we can do far more than the Church could ever do alone,” said Rev. Father Edward Steiner, D.Min., Pastor, St. Philip the Apostle Church.
Mission Statements of Saint Philips Catholic Church and Mercy respectively:
We, the people of Saint Philip Catholic Church, as disciples of Jesus Christ, joyfully celebrate the Eucharist as a community and share and proclaim the Word of God to our neighbors.
Mercy Community Healthcare exists to reflect the love and compassion of Jesus Christ by providing excellent healthcare to ALL and support to their families. Mercy is accepting patients. Please call 615.790.0567 to schedule an appointment and establish a primary care provider.